Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Simon Lancione | 04 March 2021

Classique Nu, translated from a mixture of French for classic and the Indian word for nude, is an absorbing dance piece that describes a number of dominant Indian carvings through the medium of western classical music and new media.

Shakti, born to both Japanese and Indian parents has spent a number of years developed a cross cultural dance style that focuses on the more refined elements of both countries drawing strongly from Indian classical dance and Yoga. It is however the inclusion of experience working with the famed and hugely influential Martha Graham that she has brought in western contemporary dance and jazz that has defined her work.

The show is performed on a simple empty stage framed with black walls. Fully naked, Shakti makes it clear that the importance of the performance far out strips the distraction of a set or costume. The performance starts with an immediate focus on the intricacies of Indian fine finger work and highlighting powerful muscle distinction. She uses a projector to superimpose her dancing over her own body against the black walls of the stage, has a profound other worldly feeling to it creating the ambiance of an ethereal entity dancing with her in tandem. At different stages of the show through physical means, she moves to describe major stages of and influential moments during the human life.

A moving performance by a woman who boldly involves herself wholly and passionately in a refined cross cultural journey.