Reviewed by: It's On The House
Review by Barry Hill | 20 February 2021

Adelaide Fringe Festival 2021

DIRT is a world premiere thriller with more twists and turns than a roller coaster! 

Set in Russia during the anti-Gay purges in Chechnya an Australian tourist approaches his tour guide with the idea of going for a drink to get to know more about Russia, or does he?

It would be unfair of me to reveal what happens next but I will say that no one is who they seem and every time you think you understand the motives of each character the whole ball game changes.

DIRT focusses on what it means to be gay, honesty, sexuality and solidarity between different cultures. 

Presented by and starring Patrick Livesey and his real-life partner Wil King, written by Angus Cameron and directed by Bronwen Coleman, DIRT is a masterful piece of writing and acting that has the audience on the edge of their seats for the entire 60 minutes.

Performed on a simple set that transforms to represent different locations Liversey and King deliver complex characters with many layers that gradually are discarded until we reach the truth at the end of the play. Liversey gives us street wise, intimidating and yet vulnerable. King is the perfect foil giving us sincerity, care and compassion.

DIRT is a ‘triple threat’ (a term usually reserved for musicals). It is skilfully constructed, sensitively directed and superbly performed. I found it engrossing, gripping, compelling, intriguing and with just enough humour to break the tension when needed.  

An intense thriller that delivers on all fronts, DIRT is a must see this Festival Fringe!