Reviewed by: Sam About Town
Review by Samantha Tipler | 20 March 2023

More Minor Miracles, the magic show starring creators, Malin Nilsson and Charlie Caper, is a phenomenal experience. This show is a true display of world-class sleight of hand magic, combined with humour and technology, making for a one-of-a-kind performance.

The duo’s show is a feast for the senses, with intricate magic tricks that will leave you in awe. Malin Nilsson and Charlie Caper’s chemistry is impeccable, making the show entertaining, amusing, and engaging throughout. Their performance is punctuated with bursts of laughter and gasps of amazement from the audience, as they perform spellbinding illusions that keep everyone captivated.

One of the standout features of the show is Charlie Caper’s use of technology in his illusions. His AI robot creations are a marvel to witness and provide a unique and contemporary twist to the traditional magic show. Caper is not only a magician but also a high-tech artist and illusionist, and his creativity is evident in the execution of his illusions.

 Malin Nilsson and Charlie Caper on stage
The performance showcases the duo’s impressive skills in sleight of hand, with tricks that seem impossible to comprehend. The show’s title, More Minor Miracles, perfectly captures the essence of the show, as the duo performs small but incredible feats that leave the audience amazed.

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival’s quote, “A truly magical and beautiful performance. These two will leave you gasping in awe and in uncontrollable laughter,” accurately describes the show’s impact on the audience. The show’s humour and charm make it an enjoyable experience for everyone, and the illusions will leave you questioning your perception of reality.

More Minor Miracles is a must-see magic show that will leave you speechless. Malin Nilsson and Charlie Caper’s skill, humour, and creativity make for an outstanding performance that is truly unforgettable. If you have the opportunity to see this show in future festivals, do not hesitate – it is a remarkable experience that you will not want to miss.

To get a taste, watch this YouTube clip: