‘Reclaiming Harry’ is an incredibly entertaining and thought-provoking show that explores the world of Harry Potter from a new and refreshing perspective. The production, presented by Rich Watkins Productions, is an imaginative and fabulously queer quest for a new writer for Harry Potter, who has been “Goblet of Fire-d”.
Jens Redda as Harry Potter
The brilliantly written show stars three talented actors; Jens Radda as Harry, Jemma Allen as Ally, and Rich Watkins as a variety of characters. Each actor brings their own unique style and energy to the performance, and the chemistry between them is electric.
The theme of inclusivity is highlighted throughout the show, with a particular focus on the importance of trans lives. The message is powerful, and it is delivered in a way that is both engaging and accessible to all audiences.
The show has received critical acclaim, with many five-star ratings from critics including CurtainUp and Guy with the Quill. It also won the Audience Choice Award at the Prague Fringe Festival in 2022 and subsequent Fringe awards in Australia, including a weekly award in this year’s Adelaide Fringe. The fantastic performances, the hilarious script, written by Rich Watkins, and the inspiring message of inclusivity and acceptance invited an atmosphere of warmth and connection. After the audience laughed riotously, clapped, cheered and whooped their way through the show, this Fringe performance was rewarded with a standing ovation.
The colourful, energetic and uplifting finale
Overall, ‘Reclaiming Harry’ is an absolute must-see for anyone who loves Harry Potter, and anyone who believes in the importance of inclusivity and diversity. It is an unforgettable theatrical experience that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and thoroughly entertained.
Follow Reclaiming Harry on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/reclaimingharry/
Also, award winning writer, Rich Watckins – https://www.instagram.com/itsrichwatkins/