Reviewed by: Eventalaide
Review by Tony Polese | 11 March 2023

The Headfirst acrobat team are well known to Adelaide Fringe audiences. Shows such as Railed, Elixir and Circus’Cision have entertained and delighted Fringe-goers over the years.

In their latest venture, GODZ, the four fit performers are dressed as ancient Greek Gods and imagine what life for them would be like on earth. It’s a laugh a minute as these guys frolic and camp their way around the stage. 

The humour is mostly visual in the style of early silent movies, with plenty of gags due to one or the other falling, hitting, knocking or slipping over another. But the slapstick hides a genuine acrobat skill. Whether it’s climbing on a stack of chairs to do a handstand or atop a self supporting ladder, the thrills are here a plenty. 

The audience sits around the relatively small stage, so there is plenty of banter between the performers and the crowd. As well as sight jokes, the accompanied soundscape perfectly sets the hilarious tone. 

it wouldn’t be a Headfirst show without some nudity, and the scene where the actors are posed like naked greek statues had the audience in stitches. With only a brass plate to protect their modesty, it was an exercise in sleight of hand and diversion.

GODZ is a fast paced show, with plenty of variety and something for everyone. Well worth catching.