Reviewed by: Kryztoff RAW
Review by Amy Nancarrow | 21 February 2021

Raucous, hedonistic host of the night Reuben Kaye professes that this late night cabaret club, The Kaye Hole, is a safe place for dangerous individuals. A place where “women, LGBTQIA+ people, and even *gag* heterosexual men” can be free to be themselves.

The Kaye Hole is certainly that – free from the social confines of usual Fringe shows – but that’s what makes it great. Reuben Kaye hooks you in from the beginning with an impeccable voice and a razor sharp wit, setting the tone for what’s to come: a line up of burlesque, comedy, circus, acrobatics, and cabaret that never lets up.

If you’re looking for a classic Fringe experience, one that will make you gasp, marvel at what these incredible artists can do, and laugh until you hurt, this is the show for you. Kaye is an unflappable host, bringing charm and energy unlike anything you’ve ever seen. With extensive technical mishaps throughout the show, Kaye dealt with these seamlessly and with respect to both the tech crew, and the artists whose acts were affected, keeping the show in check with an impromptu comedy set in six-inch heels. To do this – without the audience becoming restless or frustrated – is a talent that shouldn’t be underestimated.

Given the year that was 2020, when I was sitting in Gluttony’s The Octagon, watching Kaye & Co perform for a very enthusiastic yet socially distanced crowd, I couldn’t help feel lucky to be there. Watching something so entertaining and captivating that I wasn’t ready to leave this safe place after the hour was up – what a perfect antidote to the crazy year that was.

Kryztoff rating: 5K