Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Kristin Stefanoff | 01 March 2021

While the title’s claim may be a bit of a stretch, The Greatest Magic Show is nevertheless a slick production. Keeping a tent full of primary-aged kids enthralled for an hour is no small feat, but magicians Sam and Justin had the audience eating out of their hands (not literally – this is a COVID-safe show) from the moment they stepped onto the stage. Their introduction by the Ringmaster was a touch loud for many of the kids’ ears, but this was quickly adjusted by the sound technician and for the remainder of the show the Ringmaster’s microphone was at an acceptable volume.

Combining humour and magic with an energy that only experienced children’s performers can maintain, Sam and Justin completed magic tricks with precision, working well with the kids they brought to the stage. The production has clearly thought through its COVID safety, with “magic juice” (aka hand sanitiser) put on all participating children’s hands before going on the stage. It’s a testament to the way Sam and Justin related to the audience that my Miss 5, usually shy in these situations, put her hand up wanting to go on stage. The magicians also managed the crowd well by ignoring a few children who were reaching onto the stage and misbehaving, and pointedly not selecting them to participate in any tricks.

When asking Miss 5 afterwards of her thoughts on the show (after all, she was the target audience), her responses included “This was the best show ever!” and “The underwear bit was so funny!”. The underwear trick in particular kept her giggling for some time afterwards, so that was clearly a winner!

For a professional and entertaining magic show that both children and adults will enjoy, this is an excellent choice! The Greatest Magic Show is running until the end of the Fringe, and it would be well worth fitting this one into your schedule.