Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Bec Scheucher | 19 March 2023
Full disclosure here- I have been crushing on Nat’s What I Reckon since his days of hilariously commentating Trade Shows on Youtube, so of course I jumped at the opportunity to check out his new live show for Adelaide Fringe ‘Yeah Righto’, having not seen his previous ones. I have never had a little teary moment at a comedy show before- but I guess there is a first time for everything. Nat’s new routine is deeply personal and insightful, delving into his experience with mental health struggles with a weirdly strong focus on human digestive functions- with both emotive and hilarious results. Nat has become a cultural icon having made a name for himself on YouTube as the sweary quick witted sarcastic Metalhead, teaching this generation how to prepare the homecooked meals their mothers used to make them. This has led to three published books, many TV appearances and a string of National tours. He’s so much more than a Youtube sensation however- behind the offensive language and larrikin demeanour, Nat is a highly intelligent and compassionate advocate for mental health and awareness, so it comes as no surprise that this show got deep. Starting with a hilariously failed stage entrance to Kenny G playing in the background, Nat and his finance Jules who sits at the projector up the back and exchanges banter with him over a mic, attempt another one with a different Kenny G track. He delivers anecdotes about his journey so far and interacts with the audience members without pausing to even consider his brilliant comebacks, showing that this man has a natural talent for comedy. It’s a packed house and the audience is mostly made up of young people, many heavily tattooed like him and they are loving every minute of it, the laughter just keeps rolling. Nat gets everyone well and truly comfortable before bringing up the difficult topic of mental health and addiction- addressing these things in a sensitive way but still with satire to keep us giggling and making the discussion relatable and warm hearted. He tells us his personal experiences with medical professionals and medications- even playing a mock commercial for “Sadinol” a depressant medication for people that might be unnaturally too happy. He finishes the show with a little song after telling us how he came to be engaged to partner in crime and producer ‘Jules’- a comical rendition of Michael Bolton’s Said I loved you but I lied which somehow turns into a mash up with The Offspring’s Self Esteem. Turns out, he can actually sing, so we can add that to Nat’s ridiculously long list of talents. Finally, he reads us some of the weird and offensive comments he has received online making light of the often painful reality of having a prominent online presence. Funny, raw and honest, Nat’s Yeah, Righto is different from his previous shows by all accounts, and it’s evolved to something beyond his usual comedic fuckery, exhibiting the purpose and meaning to his work. It is as wholesome as it is entertaining.