Reviewed by: Fringe Feed
Review by Scott Bradbrook | 17 March 2023
O alcohol, alcohol, where for art thou alcohol? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. And I'll no longer be sober! Sh!t-faced Shakespeare takes one of the most iconic romance stories and turns it on its head for a truly side-tickling performance. Five classically trained performers take to the stage for a tale of forbidden love and family issues, all the while improvising with an utterly intoxicated cast member. Wild, hilarious, and true testaments to their crafts, the cast has a strong chemistry that comes through in their performance. Featuring Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Lord Capulet, and Benvolio (amongst others), the play is set before the audience's eyes and set ablaze by the wonderfully talented performers. No two shows are the same with a different performer getting Shakespearian-ly sh*tfaced each night. Though you think you may know one of the greatest love stories ever told, the ending may very well surprise you, with things taking a turn as the alcohol kicks in. One performance ended with Juliet's Nurse, who was surprisingly Scottish, stabbing Lord Capulet with a sword and yelling "f*ck the patriarchy!", closely followed by Friar Laurence. With crazy antics and truly hilarious scenes, audiences are sure to be left wanting more. One of the highlights of the show was Flora Sowerby, masterfully playing the roles of Benvolio and Juliet's Nurse whilst entirely drunk in one performance. Her commitment to the characters and story, balanced with her waves of alcohol-fuelled ramblings and bird impressions, made for a truly unforgettable show. Much like her truly talented fellow cast members, who balanced her chaos with deep and powerful acting, Flora is a true testament to her industry. Whether you're a big fan of the theatre or looking for an hour of laughter and debauchery, Sh!t-faced Shakespeare is the show for you! But maketh haste, lest the sun set-eth on but another Fringe season-eth.