Reviewed by: Fresh 92.7
Review by Austin Frape | 18 March 2023

Thomas Green returns home to Adelaide from storming the UK circuit, with his new and limited comedy tour, End of Daze! Thomas will always have a place in the Fresh circle, as we covered one of his previous shows, BOOM, back in 2019. With End of Daze, it’s very clear that he has not lost his comedic touch as his animated and hilarious attitude is back with a vengeance!

Throughout the show, Thomas explores the theme of self-identity, especially when experiencing life after leaving religion or the pandemic life. The latter of which got him back into his old teaching career while living in the UK with his fiance. He describes some hilarious mishaps of going from comedy brain to teaching brain, as well as the clash of Australian and British slang. As a comedic staple of Green, he often brings out some side-splitting impressions of either bogans, eshays, or chavs with an elastic face and posture. Thomas also describes his love of both Adelaide and his architect fiance, which intertwines with the themes of finding himself.

As with previous shows, some of the best material from Green is the unexpected interactions with the audience. His quick thinking and genuine love for engaging and roasting the crowd make for such a unique experience. Especially at our show when he almost outed a vegan with the honey debate. For those who also wanna play Thomas Green bingo, a guaranteed win is when an ex-student of his suddenly appears in the crowd. His reaction is priceless, but can only imagine what’s running through the kids’ minds when their old teacher says c*nt or talks about his porn preferences. Must make for the most awkward parent-teacher interview ever!

Overall, Thomas Green is a guaranteed hysterical time, and End of Daze strongly continues his comedic streak. With his impressions and engaging storytelling, I can absolutely recommend seeing End of Daze while Thomas is still in Adelaide!