Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 17 March 2023
It is the year 2023 and I’m only now just discovering the world of Jazida. Catching her in shows such as Smashed and Decadence & Debauchery, I was only given a glimpse of how talented this woman was onstage. In Catch Jazida however, this is when the spotlight really shines on her and proves that this talented performer doesn’t need to steal money to make bank! Set in a smaller venue the Empire Theatre, the audience was in for a hot and humid night ahead. As the set-up to the story begins, we’re introduced to the buxom beauty known as Jazida. Burlesque dancer, singer and seductress, she’s being blamed for a sum of money going missing and is on the run from the law. Hot on her tail is Detective Artemis Seven, a tough-talking, wise-cracking cop who will stop at nothing to get her woman. She has all the clues and the evidence to charge Jazida for the crime - the only problem is trying to Catch Jazida (as the show title suggests). And so, the audience is taken on a 60-minute adventure ride through interrogation rooms, bars, burlesque shows and even behind venetian blinds to catch the alleged criminal. The way the performance is conducted is brilliant. The two cast members share the show separately before coming together in a dramatic, funny and surprising conclusion. Jazida shows all of her skills in this show, burlesque, rapping, singing and even showing off some acrobatics just for good measure. If you weren’t impressed with her before, you’ll definitely be after this show. As for Artemis Seven, I loved the way she plays the detective. Energetic, quirky and with some hilarious lines, I particularly loved the little comedic touches that she adds to her role. Something as simple as opening the venetian blinds was a highlight, as it went exceedingly long but got funnier the more time it took. On the outside, it may seem like a silly, campy performance, but take a deeper look, and you’ll discover a fabulous piece of theatre that has all the elements of a classic Adelaide Fringe show. You’ll catch more of Jazida in this show than you’ll ever expect so be prepared. A must-watch Fringe show you should try to catch before the season is over! FOUR AND A HALF STARS ****1/2