Reviewed by: The AU Review
Review by John Goodridge | 17 March 2023

Michael Shafar is a testicular cancer survivor, hence the chemo joke. It was what his oncologist told him after he had seen the show; “You were well worth the chemo, Michael.” Which is a pretty good recommendation.

On a Tuesday night after a long weekend, the house is full. Even if the stage is an open shipping container on the lawns of Gluttony. With a bit of a sailcloth overhead, it’s surprisingly cosy.

Shafar greets the audience on the way in. He is personable and friendly, genuinely interested in people. During the show, there is some audience participation, so we learn that a couple in the front row have been married for 46 years. Shafar divulges that he has been recently married, after a long relationship. The show develops into relationship observations, with most of the audience nodding with understanding.

The show then darts from topic to topic, from bigotry, naturopaths, the Royal Family, Nazis and much much more. It’s always close to the bone, but always manages to get a laugh. (Occasionally, some nervous laughter). The targets are always those that need to be exposed. Even South Australia’s can deposit scheme gets a mention.

A recent addition to the show is a screen with some visual slide-show gags. Again, very funny stuff that has the audience in stitches. For most of the show it’s simply Shafar on stage and his captivating personality.

All too soon the hour of quick-fire comedy is over and the audience files out, chattering and laughing. Shafar has honed his comedy routine to a sharp edge, where nothing is sacred. Well worth a visit if you’re sick of politically correctness and want a good belly laugh at the expense of someone who deserves it.