Reviewed by: On Dit
Review by Sienna Sulicich | 16 March 2023

Was I scared when Reuben started doing the soccer coach voice? Yes. Was it funny? Also yes.

If prop comedy is your jam, you will love this show. Reuben is full of fun and a proper entertainer.

Reuben Solo accurately describes his show as ‘off-beat stand-up’. The comic uses sounds, props, and even a whole minute of silence to shake the crowd into laughter and discomfort.

Generally, prop comedy is not my gig. I find it hard to watch, often because of clunky transitions between bits. Despite these personal inhibitions, I found the show to be well performed and enjoyable. The transitions weren’t always smooth but this was worked in as a bit in the show. Smart. Effective.

The show was intimate, which allowed for lots of crowd work, and there was no joke-stone left unturned: One Direction, skydiving, potential infinities - there was something for everyone.

It was unfortunate that the room was so small and awkward. It was a stuffy curtained-off corner of the Rhino Room, packed with an odd crowd. Perhaps it was because it was a preview show, but the audience weren’t helping the cramped environment feel more welcoming.

If the venue was different, and Reuben was awarded a proper crowd, the show could’ve been what it was intended to be. The crew involved did the best with what they were given, and all put in 100%. Some bits really hit, and others not so much. It is extremely hard to do a comedy show in a stale room.

The room aside, it was a good time. There was solid engagement with the audience, which definitely lifted the vibe, and everyone left happy.

For the record, no NDA’s were signed before writing this review.