Reviewed by: The Clotheseline
Review by Michael Coghlan | 16 March 2023

[Cabaret/Music ~ Adelaide Fringe Premiere – Vic]
The Breakout at The Mill, Wed 15 Mar, 2023.

Not surprisingly our relationship with technology is increasingly becoming a topic of focus for artists. Connor Morel is a self-confessed internet addict. He sings songs satirising the collective stupidity of wasting hours looking at pointless distractions on social media. Between songs he rails further about the futility of it all; he realises that the person he has become online “is not me”. He shares a story about how his own mindless greed became his undoing. And sadly he brought a few of his friends down with him.

This prompts something of a catharsis in his attitude to the internet. He switches from keyboard to acoustic guitar, almost as if to signify this change of attitude, and sings a beautiful, much slower song in which he praises the joys to be gained by looking at the sky, feeling sand underfoot, or indeed, talking to a group of strangers in a darkened room (aka the audience).

The basic idea of this show is a winner. Some of the scripting in the early parts of the show could be tighter, and too many lyrics were lost in the mix. I really enjoyed the slick percussion of the trio’s drummer, and the backing vocals of the bass player – would like to have heard more from her.

But all up this brave show is heartfelt and moving. Morel bares his soul with total honesty. He’s turned an awkward experience into a powerful personal statement that many others need to hear.