Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Doug Phillips | 15 March 2023
Tim Ferguson’s latest show is cleverly titled, in that we expect to have explained to us what’s great about having a disability. In actual fact, we are treated to Ferguson’s take on what the rules around disability should be. As an unsurprising disability advocate who also happens to be a master in the art of comedy, Ferguson is the perfect person to be educating us all (disabled and non-disabled). Who better to advise us on what should be acceptable behaviour in regards to the 4.3 million disabled Australians we all need to share our country and time with, than a wheelchair-bound funny man with early on-set dementia? Ferguson hits us with some brutal facts and statistics around disability in Australia. Such as the fact that 50% of disabled people here are chronically (perpetually) unemployed. He quite rightly makes the point that choosing a disabled person over a non-disabled person for a position they’re both capable of is actually better for businesses and society. The audio wasn’t great, but bearable, and it wouldn’t have taken much for someone to come out and tighten his microphone stand. Tech issues aside, Ferguson’s delivery is sharp and his comic wit brilliant. With a unique comedy style and a diverse fan base, Ferguson’s shows are always a comical look at serious subjects that are obviously and understandably close to his heart. Again, this makes him the perfect performer to deliver this message of importance in a way that everyone can have a laugh. Sadly, Disability Rules! has closed at the Adelaide 2023 Fringe Festival. No doubt Tim will be back in 2024 with a new show.