Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Fran Edwards | 14 March 2023
This is such a fun production, full of a Capella with lots of harmonies, and each performer is given a chance to shine. Unfortunately, I cannot name the members as the shanties choir as there was no program or information sheet. The singers were a fine mix with a multitude of skills and voices. They opened with a rousing rendition of What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor, which definitely got everyone in the mood. This was followed up with songs and shanties from many seafaring nations including the UK and Canada as well as Australia. They even brought us a Viking Death Chant, Each Must Die Someday, something different! A highlight was the solo Oak and Ash which was hauntingly lovely contrasting beautifully with the vitality of many of their songs and showing versatility. The closing song was Bound For South Australia, close to home, and had many of the audience joining in. The Sea Shanties choir is one of the better outcomes of the lockdowns. Forming whilst in isolation and rehearsing online they have produced a wonderful sound. Originally coming to light on Tik-Tok they are now performing live.