Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Maddison Howell | 13 March 2023
Throw out everything you thought you knew about music and the way it is used to tell a story, Sbadabeng or The Art of Hitting Yourself is an entertaining display of body percussion, physical theatre and comedy. This 60-minute show focuses on one man, no instruments, no props, no help, just him in a performative show of body percussion. If you’re unfamiliar with body percussion, this art form consists of using the body as a percussive instrument; it means making music with nothing more than one’s own body. Any and all kinds of noises are allowed, this includes snaps, stomps, claps and hitting of the chest and mouth. Anselmo Luisi’s hits Adelaide for his first fringe season, bringing his show full of intricate and funny stories to the Adelaide Town Hall. His show takes you through many comedic stories all told with the sounds of his body, such as a hilarious play detailing the effects of an allergy coughing fit which transforms into a beatboxing performance. Audience beware, this is an interactive performance! Guests can expect to get involved and experience what it feels like to generate sounds and make music using by hitting themselves. Creating musical beats of your own is not all you can look forward to, expect to be invited up to the stage to participate in a body percussionist performance of your own. Stand side by side with members of the audience as Anselmo Luisi makes a hilarious beat by slapping your arms, legs and cheeks. However, the performance at times was hard to follow as there wasn’t a lot of talking involved, there were moments throughout the performance when his interactions with the crowd were slightly invasive and certainly not for everyone. Sbadabeng or The Art of Hitting Yourself is an interesting yet funny display of theatre and music with touches of raunchy humour sprinkled throughout, it is definitely an interesting watch.