Host an Artist

Host an Artist

If you have a house, apartment, spare room, granny flat, hotel room or even space in your backyard for someone to pitch a tent during Adelaide Fringe, please complete the online form below. Your accommodation offer will be listed on our secure Artist and Venue website (AVR) for artists to get in contact with you directly to enquire about a booking. Listing your accommodation offer is free!
Ever considered providing a Fringe artist with a home away from home; a place to refresh and reshine?

With many artists balancing tight budgets with overheads that include venue, travel and technical costs, finding a cost-effective place to stay can be a critical factor in whether artists can participate in Adelaide Fringe. 

If you have a space someone can make their abode, you could be one of the amazing accommodation providers to an Adelaide Fringe artist in 2025!

Hosting a Fringe artist is a rewarding experience that gives you the opportunity to make lasting relationships - you may even score yourself a reciprocal place to stay on your next holiday!
Providing accommodation for artists can be as involved or as hands-off as you like. Fringe can help you navigate this process, with a dedicated Artist and Venue Accommodation Coordinator on call to assist with any questions.

Get in contact with the Artist and Venue team on 08 8100 2022 or via