Reviewed by: The Barefoot Review
Review by Alex Wheaton | 11 March 2023
I think I’ve found the best Fringe Show ever! For a couple of reasons Confetti & Chaos is just a brilliantly excellent and totally scatty show to be part of. Oh yes, I said ‘part of’. The audience can become totally immersed in the action as it unfolds, if they wish, and on opening night many people so wished. Suddenly, you have theatre provided by the people, for the people, and it can be a little dangerous. The scenario is simple; you attend the venue for Confetti & Chaos as a guest invited to the wedding reception of Stacy and Will. Her parents are Raymond and Lyn (an excellent performance from an actor we saw a few years ago as Mrs Fawlty in the other show). There’s a few others, including best man Ricky, who is something of a scene stealer, getting down to his underpants for the scene involving Abba’s Dancing Queen. Music tends to be a running gag through the show; and the completely appropriate wedding song is Elton John’s I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues. [read the rest of this review on the website]