Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Anastasia Lambis | 12 March 2023

Even before the show starts Colin Ebsworth was there greeting his audience and firing off funny banter as everyone walked into The Bally in Gluttony. While the topic of growing up in a cult is a serious one, Ebsworth made sure that it wasn’t going to be an hour of heavy and deep stories. It’s a roller coaster of fun, laughter, shock and tears listening to how and why his parents found themselves in a cult, being married in a mass ceremony and bringing up four kids in a world that was so different.

Ebsworth’s father was Australian and his mum a loud brash American woman who in 1982 were matched up by Reverend Moon and married alongside hundreds of other worshippers. Sun Myung Moon or more commonly known as Reverend Moon was a Korean religious leader who started up the Unification Church then he eventually fled North Korea to the United States. The story of Reverend Moon and the church is an interesting one alone and its worth searching the internet for a read.

With so many interesting stories, from what brought his parents together, how it tore apart the friendship of two brothers, the toll it took on his mother and siblings and how isolated members of the cult were to the rest of what was going on in the world, the show was a reminder that while humans are fallible, they can find redemption.

It’s a captivating story that delves into the mental psyche of family members and how it affected those in and those not in the cult presented with slides, storytelling and of course comedy. On this night the show ran a bit over time, but no one noticed, being so engrossed we just wanted to hear more! Ebsworth tells the story with sharp shooting wit and as he states that to get through it, he “processes the things that happened with comedy” giving Me My Cult and I, a show worth seeing.