Reviewed by: Play & Go Adelaide
Review by Claire Davill | 12 March 2023

A simple show that’s more pantomime than magic (there’s actually very little magic in the show, so be warned), Winni charms the crowd with self-effacing jokes and plenty of toilet humour to make the kids giggle, as well as groan-worthy jokes and clever songs that are perfectly pitched at Gen-X and Gen-Y parents.


The open air venue is small and intimate, which works well for Winni’s constant interaction with the audience, from turning up in the audience at the start of the show asking when the show is going to start, to asking kids to hold her potions recipe book (which looks suspiciously like an oversized Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake book)!


The show lags a little in the second half, and her songs and clever raps, while very well executed, are targeted more at the adults than the kids. However, the fun props, silly jokes and pantomime-style interaction had the kids shouting for Winni once the show was finished, eager for a sticker and a photo with the now-official wizard who finally earns her official wizarding badge at the end of the show. Kids of all ages will love the bumbling nature as well as the constant bum jokes.