Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Tim Cooper | 11 March 2023
Comedy shares the best and worst in life but can often be a bit too colourful for sensitive ears. PG Hits brings all the humour and emotion of a full fruit comedy show but with some targeted omissions built in to provide a safe night out for both your teenage kids and your mother in law alike. Despite some of the references going straight over his head our 11 year old really enjoyed the show and it would definitely be a great opportunity for anyone’s first time at a comedy show. Audience participation is encouraged and the interactive back and forth really brings a show to life. Maybe have a chat to the kids beforehand, preparing them to not be shy and get involved when called upon. At the family friendly time of 6:30 Ollie Horn hosts an hour long show with a random roster of special guest performers every Wednesday during the 2023 Adelaide Fringe, upstairs at the beautiful Historian Hotel, Coromandel Place in the city.