Reviewed by: Fringe Feed
Review by Scott Bradbrook | 10 March 2023
If you have ever wanted to take a trip to Rio de Janeiro without the jetlag, then Rio 40 is exactly what you're looking for. Immersing audiences in the rich cultural practices of the beautiful city, this Fringe performance hales from the wonderfully chaotic mind of Talita "Dance Queen" Fontainha. Following the success of their 2022 Fringe show, "A Carnaval Dream", audiences are sure to be captivated by the hour of hip shaking, body rolling, and soulful rhythm. The show follows an Aussie tourist visiting the streets of Rio, diving deep into the rich Brazilian culture. Whether it"s daily life on the subway or nightlife at Carnival, audiences are taken aboard a wild ride. But before the celebrations begin, the lovely Talita prefaces the show with a note about audience participation. Though fringe-goers won't be asked on stage to samba their hearts out or shake what their mama gave them, audience members are encouraged to shout, clap, and cheer on the talented cast of performers. This is where crowd interaction really pays off. A highlight of the show is the profound message at its core. Taking a break from the blaring sun, the busy streets, and the fun festivities, the show reveals a deeper and darker side to Brazilian culture. Corruption. Theft. Injustice. Though full of life, the shadows of Rio hide deep secrets, allowing the show to advocate for greater awareness of such issues. Rio 40 parallels the darkness and pain with beauty and light, reflected in the graceful nature of their dancing and performances. Dazzling audiences with traditional costumes, the cast showcase top-class dancing, acrobatics, and music. With dance styles like salsa, samba, and plena, coupled with aerial bar acrobatics, hand balance acrobatics, and live musicianship, audiences can’t help but be mesmerised. Forget your flight tickets and book for Rio 40 now!