Reviewed by: Hi Fi Way
Review by Anastasia Lambis | 11 March 2023
Hannah Camilleri with Lolly Bag gave us “a sweet mix of sketches.” It’s like a lucky dip; you didn’t really know what you’re going to get! What we got though, was a little bit of a laidback mechanic, a giggly young girl, a Year 8 teacher, a pregnant woman, a dog and a cheeky cowboy. Now that’s definitely a mixed bag, maybe even a bit of a favourites box! Camilleri has a talent in tuning in and out of characters so effortlessly, really capturing the quirks of everyday people including in one sketch, that of a dog! While the show is a mixed bag it flows nicely between each different character and making sure not to waste stage time, costume changes were done on stage which were at times comical. Audience participation was essential in some sketches which amplified the hilarity. This reviewer got to participate, which I normally don’t like to do but when it involves keys, a cowboy and a lot of laughs then I just had to comply! If there’s any reason to see this show, then the cowboy sketch is it. You get to direct the content of the scene so it’s as funny as you want to make it! Camilleri really has perfected quirky characters with unexpected outcomes. Including the audience in the fun and frivolity is part of the charm of Lolly Bag but don’t worry though its harmless fun that won’t embarrass or make you feel uncomfortable. It actually makes you feel like you’re part of the show!