Reviewed by: That Guy in The Foyer/ Radio 891 Smart Arts
Review by John Doherty | 10 March 2023
William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream Review by That Guy in The Foyer, John Doherty ★★★1/4 Presented by Funk Soul Productions The Goodwood Theatre Angus Street March 10 11, 12, 16, 18 – March 12. Check times Funk Soul Productions’ “William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream” a dynamic rendition of the classic comedy, while not without the flaws one could reasonably expect from a cast of actors not yet their twenties, has the chops! Energetic, hilarious where it should be, and delivered with great verve and enthusiasm, this ‘70s flavoured spin on Shakespeare’s classic comedy had an audience broad in age range in stiches. The tale is well known. One young Athenian man, Demetrius (Jack McDonald) pursues his arranged marriage bride Hermia (Zoe Sibbons) who has run off with her beloved Lysander (Harry Gregg) into the forest. Helena (Anna Fleur Symonds) Hermia’s childhood friend is madly in love with Demetrius and, having told him of her friend’s elopement, pursues him. Fairy Puck (Immi Beattie and Daisy Bright) is tasked with administering potion to Demetrius’ eyes by Fairy King Oberon (Cameron Chau) to make Demetrius love Helena. They administer the potion to the wrong Athenian resulting in Lysander spurning Hermia and pursuing Helena. Then Demetrius is also bewitched and falls for Helena. Oberon has already administered the same potion to Fairy Queen Titania (Isabella Stephenson). Yep, it’s a riot of a story! Emerging Director Dana Cropley does a great job of marshalling the abundant energy of this young cast into a tightly disciplined performance with some moments of excellent comic timing! There is no credit given for set design, but it’s very effective and cleverly adaptable to the numerous location changes in the play. Lighting by “Rodney” casts perfect ambiance for these settings while Immi Beatie’s Sound Design drawing on classic ‘70s tracks like Donna Summers’ “ Bad Girls,” Gloria Gaynor’s “I will survive” and Kool & The Gang’s “ Get Down on It – released in “81, but close enough to the ‘70s to qualify- provide great texture to scene changes and character entrances. Costuming is quite is dazzling, a balance of ‘70s Psychedelia, Disco, Hippy, and three-piece suits with flares, that works a treat, while Evelyn Christie’s make-up creates a great sense of character. The four Lovers show immaculate comic timing in their feuding over who loves who, although occasionally they need to let the laughter subside a little before continuing their lines. The tension between Oberon and Titania was well developed and Oberon’s interactions with Puck was strong if a little sinister rather than authoritative at times. Puck was superbly played by two young actors whose interwoven dialogue, work in unison and choreography was impeccable. The much-loved scenes where the Mechanicals, a troupe of “rustics” prepare a play to perform at Duke Theseus’ nuptial feast were funny at times where they could have been hilarious! Gracie Greenrod’s Quince is a great example of less is more, while Bottom (Oscar Baldwin) needed to be pushed a little more for comedic value; Bottom is, after all, the epitome of the ignorant man who believes himself the master of everything- we’ve all met him! Snug (Kit Erhart -Bruce), Starveling ( Molly Jennings), Snout (Sofia Harris- Sanchez) and Flute ( Aidan Nixon- Burns)were played very capably so as to support the comedy. The performance of “the most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe” at Theseus’ palace was funny but somehow lacked the timing and projection it needed to be uproariously funny. An ensemble of recent graduates from Secondary School, Funk Soul Productions is a very tight ensemble, as was evident in their willingness to push the boundaries of physical comedy and ability to read each other on stage.This production of Shakespeare’s classic is a great example of what a young cast and director can achieve; I just wish their season was longer! New on the performing arts block, Funk Soul Productions reinvigorated and already vigorous comedy, and I hope they aim to stage more productions! A fun night at the theatre! Last performance is this evening, so get out and see it!