Reviewed by: Theatre Travels
Review by Carly Fisher | 09 March 2023

When Diana Nguyen takes to the stage and announces ‘I’ve always wanted to be a pop star,’ instantly you like her. That she backs up this declaration with great lyrics in her original song to introduce her brand new show, Going All In, and an impressive voice, is a major bonus. Whether you’ve seen her work before or this is your first time at one of her shows (as this was for me), I feel you instantly get on board with Nguyen and with that, you just want to see her succeed. 

And largely, she does. This charismatic performer has an expert command of crowd work, engaging her audience throughout and playing with them just the right amount. Many of her stories are very relatable, her accent work as she portrays her mother is as spot on as it is hilarious, her storytelling is well paced and simply but importantly for a comedian, she is very funny. 

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