Reviewed by: The Clothesline
Review by Adrian Miller | 10 March 2023

A regular Fringe performer, last year songwriter B.S Roberts presented a song cycle of his own, set on the Heysen Trail. He does, however, stray from time to time to present a show of other artists’ songs, notably Nick Cave and a previous show of Springsteen hits, both on ukulele! On this occasion he has zeroed in on a particular Springsteen album, a home recording never intended for commercial release, and perhaps not his most celebrated album, in the belief that its stripped back and quieter nature might just suit his ukulele approach.


With just ukulele and some foot percussion Roberts leads us through the Nebraska album in song order, adding one of his own songs at the end just to remind us that’s what he does. This is not a tribute show in the sense that Roberts is not trying to sound like the original versions. Rather the songwriter and ukulele player has taken on living inside the songs from Nebraska for a while to see what he can learn from them, and to express them in his own way in the hope of entertaining an audience.


It does help that Roberts’ voice is well suited to Springsteen songs, and perhaps he has picked up some intonations along the way. Roberts does a good job of capturing the mood and paying homage.


It is not necessary to be a Springsteen fan to enjoy this show, although there are audience members mouthing the words. Roberts takes the time to explain what each song is about, and I for one gain an increased admiration of Springsteen’s storytelling ability.


I will never get to see Bruce Springsteen sing the songs from his Nebraska album at the Grace Emily. But B.S Roberts makes a damn fine substitute.