Reviewed by: Weekend Notes
Review by Fatema Sitabkhan | 28 February 2021

Set up in a repurposed Art Deco establishment that resides next to the Zhivago nightclub, FRINGELAND is a quirky and creative little space that incorporates a blend of live music downstairs and a combination of abstract exhibitive works and short shows upstairs.

Having arrived in the early hours of the event, a friend and I went to explore the upstairs area, while the downstairs emanated with vibes reminiscent of a typical dive bar, where people were drinking, socializing, and awaiting the entertainment to follow.

Walking up the stairs, we were greeted with a range of art pieces and spaces that made our wanderings feel like an art adventure. The hallways are cleverly upcycled to replicate a spaceship that has some user-friendly playful elements within.

There are around five spaces to explore, with each room decorated in what appeared to be second-hand, recycled Gumtree finds. Upon entering each room, you are welcomed to a space that has no explanation as to why it looks the way it does, but it does make you wonder about how each individual piece comes together cohesively.

A particular highlight was the green screen room, which houses a little bird's nest that you perch yourself into. To our shock, It's ridiculously sturdy and offers a sense of mystery and inquisition. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend wearing heels, unless of course, you're up for a challenge.

While we didn't stay too long, there are programs scheduled from 1030pm, which transforms the space into a venue where late night variety shows thrive and dancing is highly encouraged.

For the value of a ticket, you certainly get what you pay for. If nothing else, it's an amusing art exhibition that will give you goosebumps and you will most likely walk out confused but also curious about what you just experienced. For future visits and installations, it would be beneficial to have some insight and a story to accompany each room and why the specific pieces of art were curated in its suggested fashion. In the meantime, exploring the artists whose works are currently displayed in the space can be found on their official website.