Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Anastazija Hankins | 08 March 2023
A surreal comedy is definitely what Horse Country is.  Imagine Seinfeld interspersed with Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett; funny, but is it?  You'll be thinking, as I was, why am I laughing?  Constantly wondering what am I finding comical, why is this absurdity so mesmerising?  You won't be able to look away.   The two highly talented actors on stage bounce off each other like a tennis ball served by Serena Williams, fast and hit the target.  To think, all this because they lost a nine of diamonds or was it hearts, oh never mind, it could be a nine of fish, and you won't care.  Their banter will have you relaxingly hypnotised, eyes staring at the stage because you'll want to know what they'll say next. They'll discuss, and when I say discuss, I use the word loosely, more like throwing sentence bombs at one another.  How much they love America, what's wrong with America, seals, crime, fishing and just so much more. It's deeply meaningful, but it isn't.  Are you still with me?   The whole time the two performers will be talking incessantly, at times combatively, in American accents.  It will appear so effortless, yet, they're not American, as you find out once the chorus of clapping has concluded at the end of the show. It's an absolutely absurd yet meaningful piece of theatre, but it doesn't have to be.  Take away what you want from it.  You may even think all this is from the bottle of bourbon they are drinking straight, no ice, no mixers, just from the bottle into the glass.  It may or may not, but really?  Does it matter?