Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Simon Lancione | 27 February 2021

Those of you who have been around the trappings of the Adelaide Fringe for a while now would be familiar with the comedy band George Glass. The comedy funk band from Adelaide have performed ten shows over the years with some of their most memorable theatrical presentations being George Glass  Proves The Existence of God and the international favourite Scientology the Musical (no not the big Broadway show, this one is home grown). Their latest offer is a take on the popular BBC television art and craft show Art Attack which was enthusiastically hosted by Neil Buchanan. For any person who grew up in the 90’s they would remember with fondness the slightly crazy tv that existed at the time.

During each episode Buchanan would create a large artistic piece with whatever he had lying around. If it was a pile of boxes or ribbon nailed to the side of a barn he would always make something unexpectedly good. In this case George Glass has given the audience a chance to participate in making one of the large art pieces. Whilst waiting in line the audience members were given playing card raffle tickets and told we would use them when the show started.

On one side of the stage the band playing (occasionally in costume with, again, things they clearly had just found lying around) and the other was a large canvas in which, if their raffle ticket was called, audience members were invited to come up on the stage and paint on the canvas. I might mention they were all provided protective, COVID acceptable clothing before going on stage. As the songs rolled on and more audience members took to the canvas, the audience entirely relaxed into the atmosphere, drinking, singing and chatting to their friends.

What it broke down to is four guys who love making music filled with light hearted jokes at innocuous things celebrating a brilliant show from their childhood. It seemed to this reviewer that the band were having just as much fun as the crowd were.