Reviewed by: Sam About Town
Review by Samantha Tipler | 07 March 2023

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if the gods were on Tinder?

Myths, Legends & Fantasy is an intriguing and thought-provoking show, that also shows the lighter side of life and invites the audience to ponder such questions and possibilities.

If the gods were actually on Tinder, I think Emma has captured it perfectly in her aptly named song, "If the gods were on Tinder". Her cheekiness, humour and imagination shines through in this one.

The use of myths, legends, and fantasy to explore important issues such as mental health, equality, and femininity is a unique approach that is both entertaining and enlightening. Emma Knights' embodiment of a woodland nymph adds an element of mysticism and magic to the performance, further enhancing its mythical and otherworldly quality.

In Emma's words, "History is full of kick-ass women, but often their stories are untold." Emma's original songs are inspired by women of history, and by myths and legends. There is also a nod to the contemporary with her inclusion of Buffy the Vampire Slayer; an inspiration and a kick-ass woman!

During the song "Equality & Chivalry", inspired by King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Emma sings, "Come sit at my round table and I will share with you." This resonated with us as an audience and we (figuratively) sat at her round table and enjoyed listening to her thoughts on courtesy, kindness and a more equal world.

Across the show, the tempo of songs varied which created balance across the set. At times the piano featured as another voice through Emma's beautiful and strong playing. Humour was interspersed with more serious and emotional moments, such as in the delicate and ephemeral, "The Absence of Your Voice". Emma's personality was reflected throughout. It was a privilege to be given an insight into her inner world and her creative inspiration.

Myths, Legends & Fantasy is a show that combines music, storytelling, and social commentary to create a memorable and meaningful experience for its audience. The music and overall atmosphere of the show are both captivating and emotional.
Next show March 9 at Holden Street Theatres.

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