Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 07 March 2023

It has been a couple of years since seedoeatreview last went to see the children’s show known as Bubble Show with Mini Milkshake, but Mr. 9 and Mr. 12 were asking to go and I was happy to take them. With a sold-out audience in the Virago tent, the crowd was filled with families and little children eagerly squealing in anticipation waiting for the first bubble to be blown. 

They didn’t have long to wait. Professor Bubble started the show by shaving his foam bubble beard using a clear bubble mirror to help him. Getting plenty of laughs from the audience, he continued about his day by working on his typewriter, ordering his coffee by simply pressing a button, and playing with his Mini Milkshake doll. It was then the magic happened and left the audience gasping in amazement. Mini Milkshake came to big, beautiful life and proceeded to run amok in a bubble frenzy.

This is where the show was turned up a few notches, and the crowd was treated to a spectacle the likes of which few had seen before. Smoke bubbles, giant eight-meter-long bubbles and square bubbles were put on show for all to see. And, even someone like myself who has seen bubble creations like this before, was left in amazement at the fabulous show. I will never get tired of watching bubbles travel up a rope or float into the air like rocket ships, and the astonished looks on my kiddo’s faces told me the same. This bubble duo aren’t just people who blow bubbles: they’re artists, creators and imagination builders who push the boundaries of bubble making and all the science that goes with it. It may be promoted as a kid’s show, but Bubble Show with Mini Milkshake is for everyone who wants to be swept up in the magical world of bubbles and all the smile-filled, soapy goodness they offer.