Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Merinda Edwards | 06 March 2023

‘Such an Inspiration’ is a brilliantly written show delivered with comedic execution, wit and strong
punchlines. Through her own story Scott explores the three main narratives of trans women; punchline,
villain or victim - it’s a conversation that needs to be had, and who better to lead the charge with
humour, comedic integrity and confidence than Anna Piper-Scott.

This is a show that pulls the audience in, Scott’s ability to work the crowd, and create a safe space is
apparent from entering the room. Scott’s story is big, and her ability to throw in a joke in order to make
a point is effortless, pulling the crowd in with a lot of laughs.

In the recent decade, the comedic community has undergone a series of quandaries, from the rhetoric
that women aren’t funny, toxic public narratives about trans people and people of colour, to the culture-
wide reassessment of the content and delivery of comedy. Scott’s show delves into these issues and
more, and packs a lot of heartfelt and deep stories and information, she is able to treat the audience
with an intelligence that allows each audience member to connect to her stories and laugh along on
different levels. Midway through the show, as she calls her – her ‘Nannette turn’ inciting a deep story of
trauma, Scott delivers with patience and kindness to the audience before digressing the crowd into
laughter once again.

Annas’ delivery of hard-hitting jokes, and ability to bring the crowd along on her storytelling journey, is
taken in by her tales of her own life, transness and what it is to be human in a world defined and
segregated by labels. The complexity of the expectation of comedy and comedians and the delivery of
issues that Anna touches on is such a delicate art that she executes with ease.
This brilliantly written show is the mark of a comedian that has so much to offer the world, and so much
to offer the broader world of comedy.