Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Emma Haynes | 07 March 2023
Sh!t-faced Shakespeare follows the iconic and well-known disastrous love story between Romeo and Juliet. Whilst it is not comparable to the classic movie directed by Baz Lurhman, it is an enjoyable watch unfortunately without the Leonardo cameo. The romantic scenes are slightly less sentimental, and the dramatic scenes are a lot more of a laugh than heart breaking. Whilst one cast member is completely inebriated, the remaining cast members attempt to continue the show as previously meticulously rehearsed. With complete changes in dialogue, random outbursts of all types and unrelated tangents throughout the show, remaining cast members use their incredible improv skills to adapt as best they can to what is being thrown at them.  â€¨ Wearing classic Shakespearean costumes, with slight alterations that, of course can’t help but be noticed the show is suited to anyone who loves to have a laugh. Obviously, inebriated humans can’t always control what they are saying or doing for that matter, so I would suggest leaving the kids at home and having a Mum and Dad night out!  â€¨ The cast are quick on their feet, ridiculously patient and seem to keep their cool all whilst watching their show fall to hilarious pieces. Sh!t-faced Shakespeare keeps you on the edge of your seat, constantly wondering what version of this iconic love story will play out right in front of your eyes. Prepare yourself for 1 hour of endless belly laughs and sore cheeks!  â€¨ Sh!t-faced Shakespeare is showing every night (bar Mondays) until the 19th of March. This is a must see for your Fringe experience!