Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ashleigh Rathjen | 06 March 2023
James Bond is often associated with action, danger and glamour stirred through with some powerful women, and of course, sex. This show pays homage to all those characteristics, with some powerful, glamorous women, and a little bit of danger all rolled into one. The show opens strong with a classic act to Diamonds Are Forever, followed by a truly exciting and energetic number with two large feather fans. We then move through some iconic songs, with a vocal performance, a stand off duet and a classic number with lots of fluff. The next act teases us before the climax of the show. A sultry black tease leaves the audience wet for more, a sparkling woman paints the town, and herself, gold, and lastly a fire breathing power machine to finish off the show. Each act presents a different side of burlesque, showcasing the talents of the people performing them, and highlighting the diversity and inclusivity of the genre. While the variation of acts is refreshing and new, showcasing different styles of burlesque, it does highlight some strengths and weaknesses between performers. There were some moments where the microphone levels were unbalanced, and with the setting sun it could be difficult to see the performers without some lighting. However, the main highlights were the golden number and the fire-breathing agent, which were memorable in different ways. The hostess of the show must be mentioned, as she is charismatic when egging the audience on for appreciation, claps and woos. She also maintained pace, especially during clean up between acts, providing Bond facts, crowd heckling and one liners to keep the audience engaged. A strong ensemble of performers, from all around Australia, in a first time offering from Sky High Burlesque, in a wonderful tribute to Bond.