Reviewed by: On The Record
Review by Meika Bottrill | 28 February 2021


Peach Cobbler is a familiar and intimate play that delves into the uncomfortable topics most of us avoid at the family dinner table. 


In a considerate stage setting, playwright Laura Desmond creates an intimate atmosphere of a familiar dining table prepared for dinner, with roast lamb, steamed vegetables, glasses of wine and (of course) peach cobbler for dessert. Immediately the audience is given a sense of comfort as they witness a scene some have experienced on a nightly basis. Mum preparing dinner, Dad watching the latest football game and the kids coming out of their rooms to the smells of dinner.


However, quickly you realise this family dinner will be a little bit more exciting than most. Carol and her husband Gary sit down to dinner with their adult children, Dan and Georgia, to discuss their days. A simple question about work begins the conversation however, topics of racism, misogyny, equality and abortion are quickly intertwined into the play, as four people with opposing views all try to get a word into the conversation.


The play reminds the audience of that family member, co-worker, or friend who refuses to listen or agree to anything you have to say. You – the audience member – are immersed into the dinner table and find yourself nodding along to some lines or simply widening your eyes at others.


The set is angled to the right showing the kitchen and dining table. However, this does block Gary out and makes some of the dialogue difficult to understand. The lighting is bright and the incredible food on the table is visible throughout the whole show. While this was a watch from home special for those lucky enough to see the show in person, the audience was fed a peach cobbler: something that came across as distracting to those at home without.


Through brilliant acting, unique stage sets and thought-provoking conversations, Peach Cobbler cleverly dances around topics considered taboo in a politically correct world. It will leave you questioning the art of debate while feeling equally frustrated as you are reminded of similar heated discussions you may have experienced before.


Peach Cobbler is an immersive experience that reminds us about the excruciating relationships we are often forced to endure, the topics that are discussed behind closed doors, and the generational and educational gaps between family members.


 Peach Cobbler is available to watch from home until March 13.