Reviewed by: Collage Adelaide
Review by Rachel Wong | 27 February 2021

When I read this show is presented by Charles Firth (Co-Founder of The Chaser) and James Schloeffel (founder of The Shovel), as a fan, I was already anticipating a night filled with sharp and witty satirical comedy. They did not dissappoint.

Both Charles and James manage to skilfully teeter along the edge of some controversial and sensitive topics. The commentary they present on the pandemic is tackled from an Aussie-centric perspective, with vigorous nods to certain politicians and inter-state drama, as well as conspiracy theories that arose during the pandemic and public figures, like Pete Evans who had too much to say on the matter.

I particularly enjoyed the segment they presented about Scomo and his barrage of media advisors pushing the ‘everyday bloke’ dribble he has been posting on social media the past year. It was impressive that the duo managed to sleuth numerous LinkedIn profiles of the Prime Minister’s media team, and for our disbelief, projecting them all on stage.

These two certainly know their audience because everyone was chuckling along with them the whole 50 minutes. It ticks all the Adelaide Fringe boxes, if you’re looking for a laugh and light hearted fun, it is quite the time. However, there was not a single reference to Trump, despite the promotional material suggesting otherwise. False advertising!

On another note, it has been interesting to see the sheer volume of shows referencing and using the pandemic as topic or source material for their performances.  The global pandemic is an experience shared on an unprecedented scale, and it has made clear of the myriad of ways in which we are connected or distanced from others in our city, state and the world. This show is no exception!

3/5 stars 

– By Rachel Wong