Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 05 March 2023

“Who is Ben Hart?” That’s what seedoeatreview was saying just two weeks ago before meeting this man of mystery and magic at a Garden of Unearthly Delights Fringe opening. After watching a brief performance and interviewing him, I found Ben to be an absolute gentleman, good for a laugh and a wonderful family-friendly magician that my kids would absolutely adore. But going to watch his show ‘Ben Hart – Live’ on Friday night, I don’t think this master illusionist knew what was in store for him when he called Mr. 9 up to the stage!


Ben Hart is your classic English magician. He doesn’t need to be loud, boisterous or brash to make you pay attention to his craft. Walking on stage in a three-piece suit, he oozes charm and wins you over with his polite demeanour whilst performing his unique brand of tricks. But the thing is, what Ben performs is more than just tricks - they are gasp-out-loud, sleight-of-hand illusions that will boggle your mind and, if you’re my kiddos, leave you trying to work out what your eyes just witnessed while trying to get to sleep.


From paper transformations to cards of deception and magical pieces of fruit, the seedoeatreivew’s family front-row seats played a small part in the night’s performance. Beck was called on to sign a magical napkin, Mr. 12 was asked to help with a rope trick and I was asked to help choose a card from a deck. But it was Mr. 9 who won the crowd over on the night: sitting down at a table with Ben, my boy couldn’t believe the coin trick that was happening before him so he not only decided to look under the tablecloth, but under the whole table itself. It was to no avail though, there were no magical trap doors on this piece of furniture. A master magician who is at the top of his craft, Ben Hart is a name that no audience member will forget quickly!