Reviewed by: Kryztoff RAW
Review by Julie Robins | 04 March 2023
LEATHER LUNGS : HIGHER LOVE The stupendous voice of this outrageously original anarchic chanteuse and raconteur took us on a journey through their recent and traumatic romantic past. Which was much much more fun than that sounds. Truly, for him, laughter is the best medicine (along with lashings of love from family and friends). The vocal gymnastics were truly amazing as his voice soared to the heights and plummeted to the depths from one beautiful line to the next, from character to character. Leather Lungs aka Jason Chasland wields his extraordinary and powerful voice (a 4 octave vocal range) and huge heart to take the audience on a wild emotional ride. The songs range from the soft and gentle to the dramatically fierce as he traverses this territory. Any tension is ultimately broken by the likes of the hilarious rendition of Old MacDonald (is there any sound this human cannot convincingly recreate, or improve upon?), self-deprecating humour and/or facial gymnastics. With innuendo and classical drag tropes he has his audience laughing throughout. Regaling us with stories of his recent emergence from a toxic relationship and attempts at dating again, his appreciation of the support of his audience came across as heartfelt, reciprocal, and genuine. Adorned in a flamboyant costume (made by his mum) Jason embodied the spirit of "the show must go on!". Hurry or miss out. Leather Lungs Adelaide season is set to finish on Sunday March 5th. Appearing at the Lark, Gluttony, Rymill Park.