Reviewed by: Adelaide Theatre Guide
Review by Lance Jones | 24 February 2021

These sorts of shows used to be for kids. You know, the type where some clown in a fancy suit and big shoes makes bubbles for the kids to chase, throwing in a few tricks along the way. Well, move aside kiddies, bubbles have come of age in the Fringe smash show “Bubble Show For Adults Only”, and what you shall see may keep you up at night. The rude pun is very much intended, as it certainly fits with one of the themes of the evening. This is very much an 18+ show.

One shouldn’t try and categorise this show. It’s a bit of burlesque, theatre, cabaret, dance, circus and physical comedy all rolled into one, with bubbles. Lots of bubbles. In fact, so many bubbles, that they give a “trip and slip” warning to punters on their way out after the show. Yes, the bubble making is very clever, with the well-worn tricks such as the smoke within a bubble, the bubbles within a bubble, humungous long bubbles and the impressive flammable bubbles filled with methane that explode when put to the flame.

Yet, like everything in life, “it’s all in the delivery” they say. It’s not just the bubbles, but of course they help. The delivery of this show is captivating.

The show starts with two cartoon-type characters having a “date”. After the usual niceties, things start to get a little messy. Off come the clothes during a very funny mutual striptease that involves possibly the world’s longest lasting and most acrobatically delivered kiss. Once they get down to their undies, the real fun starts. The frenetic energy of some very risqué bubble placements means everything gets covered in dishwashing liquid – and I mean everything, including those in the first few rows. Body parts are used as bubble hosts with leggy, spread-eagled abandon. The male and female protagonists make one reminisce of an old black and white “Popeye and Olive Oyl” cartoon, with funny sub-texts, squeaky exclamations and chintzy over-acting throughout. Oh, did I mention the bubbles?

This show is a strange one. A look around the audience saw a large proportion of punters with the wide-eyed wow factor on their faces, as was the case with this reviewer. Look a little deeper though and there were definitely a sizeable number that were not impressed. Was it the nakedness, the execution or the plain and simple weirdness of it that challenged the nay-sayers? I guess one will never know until one buys a ticket. No matter which side of the great divide you fall into, one simply cannot argue with the spectacular nature of the finale, filling the stage and nearby environs with a cacophony of noise, spinning underwear-clad players glistening with dripping suds and an explosion of bubbles capturing the light and the astonished amazement of the audience.

This reviewer thought it was wonderful, yet I have also had disdain expressed regarding the delivery. This show will polarise: you’re either in or you’re out – and that’s OK. The challenge to your sensibilities is worth the price of the ticket. Oh, did I mention bubbles?