Reviewed by: Fresh 92.7
Review by Benjamin Monga | 02 March 2023
A show that weaves in and out just as well as a Formula One car Scout Boxall is not your typical comedian and nor is Buck Wild your usual show. With Buck Wild, you can expect the unexpected! From performing in a shipping container in broad daylight to the use of a PowerPoint presentation, everything is on the line and everything could go wrong, but it doesn’t! Scout’s comedy is refined but impromptu; from including a truck in the near distance belting Taio Cruz’s ‘Break your heart’ to a heckler’s comment about a biscuit…yeah a biscuit. Scout takes you on a ride through the series of events in their life with a delivery like no other. Scout wears their heart on their sleeve with this well thought out show about their experience with bipolar, a brief stint in a psychiatric ward and how Arnott’s Assorted Creams should be ranked – hence the biscuit heckler. Buck Wild presents comedy in a refined way where Boxall introduces music in the form of a ballad and then a diss-track about Formula One. This show is all but ordinary, so don’t expect just a comedian with a mic because there is a lot more than meets the eye. Boxall makes the viewing free flowing and not awkward though speaking about usually heavy topics such as mental health and the dreaded COVID. My review: Buck Wild emphasises the modernised delivery of comedy, and that comedy is no longer just a comedian and a microphone but can be interpreted in so many ways. This show is the epiphany of the Adelaide Fringe and if you are out to see something new, then you won’t be disappointed. If you love sketch comedy and storytelling, then this show will also please you. The show may not be for everyone due to the medical terms/jokes but there is relatable content for all. You won’t stop smiling during the show and will be pleasantly surprised at how niche this comedy is. Rating: 4.0 Stars Venue: The Piglet (open-air) at Gluttony – Rymill Park