Reviewed by: Van Badham, Van About Town
Review by Van Badham | 01 March 2023
So, #Adlfringe Fans; last night I went for a late explore of Keith Courtney’s “Kaleidoscope” installation in the Festival’s Garden of Unearthly Delights. The experience on offer is to be led into a giant kaleidoscope and then have to find your way out again. Looks innocuous, yes? It’s not. The saying “wherever you go, there you are” takes on a brutal new meaning when you are trapped with infinite reflections of yourself and no obvious means to escape them. This is literally the long hall of mirrors where to take a long hard look at yourself. The maze is constructed out of towering mirrors, and open to the sky - thankfully, as the fresh air provides reassurance of an outside world with more than your hopelessly disoriented body within it. Colours change, walls shift and the aural soundscape of an electronic choir suggests divine judgment. Nick Cave’s suggestion in The Mercy Seat that it’s more morally terrifying to live with yourself than die has never seemed so sharp. I’m sure the other (vanishing, reappearing) participants may have indeed enjoyed it merely as a mirror maze. I, however, found it beautiful, confronting and existentially annihilating. A gentle staff member guided me out and I burst into tears. Quite wonderful, and highly recommended.