Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Mindi Edwards | 02 March 2023

This cheeky duo certainly made my hump day. 

Located at the wonderfully inclusive bar My Lover Cindy, Woolgatherer is a show led by the talented singer/songwriter Steph Daughtry and joined by Alice Barker from Roger and the Albatross and the Ukulele Death Squad. 

Together, these artists pull together their own life experiences and observations delivered with strong vocal talents, comfortability, and ease with the stage and engaging the audience in their stories.

Without trying, the duo is able to deliver a heartfelt, comedic performance, as they had admitted at least one of the songs was written a week before the show, it seems they have done a spectacular job at whacking together a show as they go.

The songs and stories cover a range of topics from hipsters to mental health, both songwriters have a wonderful ability to connect with the audience by expressing their thoughts and experiences through harmonic vocals.

Although experiencing some staging hiccups, the artists pulled through their songs on Wednesday, which made for more comedy that they delivered wonderfully.  

Woolgatherer is a show that defines what Adelaide Fringe has to offer, giving artists a platform to reach out and try new things, and spark the creativity that could lead to something bigger.

I, for one, will be watching to see what these two do in the future and was glad to be able to catch them this Fringe. I recommend you do too!

Woolgatherer is showing at My Lover Cindy until Monday, March 6. Grab your tickets