Reviewed by: The University of Adelaide
Review by M Eastmond | 01 March 2023

Though stunningly poignant, raw and honest, the comedic talent, Colin Ebsworth, maintains an incredible humour as he shares a family history within his newest work: Me, My Cult and I. Contained on the small stage of The Bally at Gluttony for the next three weeks, Ebsworth, with the small help of an accompanying slideshow, details the experience of growing up within the cult of the Unification Church, more commonly known as the ‘Moonies’. Although an organised story that follows trajectory from the lives of his grandparents to current day, Ebsworth tailors to his show's audience with a decade worth of experience as a stand-up comedian; improvisation and the occasional ‘tidbit’ often included on a whim and developed naturally from the conversational style of his performance. Gifting an intensely personal insight to the experience of those swept up into these communities, Ebsworth provides a captivating discussion of how a failure to feel as though one belongs can manifest in lasting and life altering ways – I’d like to see someone try to walk away from Me, My Cult and I with a dry eye.