Reviewed by: Kids in Adelaide
Review by Tim Cooper | 01 March 2023

Award winning New Zealand comic Jo Ghastly brings her fabulous show across the ditch, which attempts to increase the coolness factor of her audience by way of a very funny seminar style show. Aimed predominantly at parents of older kids, Jo hilariously teaches the older folk the ways of the younger generation through slide shows, videos and audience participation (which we were lucky enough to be apart of...or unlucky enough!)

Jo has a slick style, engages very well with her audience and knows her crowd. Although very much aimed at the Mum crowd, never fear Dad's you will have a blast too and judging by the laughter throughout, everyone had an awesome night.

Held at The Howling Owl just off Rundle Street, the intimate gin bar is an ideal meet up spot to have a drink then head upstairs for the show.