Reviewed by: Upside Adelaide
Review by Josh van't Padje | 28 February 2023

Leathers Lungs – Higher Love is as irreverent as it is emotionally raw, a cabaret show that has as many joyous singalongs as it does tearjerker ballads.

Leather Lungs (the alter-ego of entertainer Jason Chasland) is the sole performer in the show and the audience is taken on a journey through the highs and lows of his life.

Dressed in a sparkly black dress, complete with corset belt, a black sheer and fluffy wrap around the shoulders and stilettos, Leather Lungs completed the look with a rainbow-coloured wig, fierce makeup, and a blue beard. Introducing himself as the version of Adam Lambert (or Chris Hemsworth), Leather Lungs’ self-deprecating humour quickly had the audience in stitches. Whether it was simulating fellatio on his drink or strutting towards the microphone sultrily, it was just the right amount of audacious humour.

What’s most surprising about Leather Lungs – Higher Love is the brutal honesty with which Leather Lungs provides snippets into his life, the trauma he has experienced and the ways he got through this difficult period. There are no punches pulled and you can hear the emotion in his four-octave range when dedicating certain numbers to those important people in his life.

Leather Lungs really takes you through a rollercoaster of emotion. Along with the laughs (and there are many), there are also WTF moments quickly followed by the horrors of abuse and the loving support of family and friends. Just like Leather Lungs reclamation of self, you’ll leave feeling renewed and ready to take on the world in a new light.

Leather Lungs – Higher Love­ is showing in The Lark at Gluttony until Sunday, March 5. Get your tickets here.

Four ½ stars. **** ½