Reviewed by: That Guy in The Foyer/ Radio 891 Smart Arts
Review by John Doherty | 28 February 2023
Mussolini co-directed by Tom Corradini Review by That Guy In The Foyer, John Doherty ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Presented by Tom Corradini Teatro, FISICO Festival & The Garage International The Garage International@ Adelaide Town Hall Season concluded Saturday Feb 25 Tom Corradiniā€™s ā€œMussoliniā€ was one of those shows I wish had a longer season to be experienced by a broader audience. However, Corradiniā€™s Theatre in Education work in Turin beckoned so he was on a limited time frame Corradini takes us into the genesis of a dictator, the transformation of the son of a Socialist leaning blacksmith father, Alessandro and devoted mother Rosa into Il Duce! Benito Mussolini was an Elementary School teacher whose ambition and somewhat insightful perception of human nature led him to power and war! Appreciation for the need to ā€œcreate a myth,ā€ to create the ā€œexpression of a nation,ā€ ā€œa myth for which ā€¦(people)ā€¦are ready to die,ā€ led Mussolini into an alliance with the one of histories ultimate dictators, Adolf Hitler. Joseph Stalin gets a mention, but evidently Mussolini idolized Hitler, though a critique is offered suggesting that somewhere along the line Benito saw Adlof for what he was. Mussolini asks us, perhaps with prophetic irony, if we ā€œcan imagine a Europe United by lawyers and bankers.ā€ Corradini draws extensively on the comedic and physical traditions of Commedia dell arte in his concentrated portrayal of Il Duceā€™s childhood, relationship with mistress and passion for his Alpha Romeo. A cleverly devised lazzi about the three passions of Italian men, ā€œMusic, sex and Mama!ā€ is employed to great comic effect. In fact, Corradiniā€™s comic timing throughout is impeccable. Much as ā€œMussoliniā€ is a fascinating lesson in history and human behaviour ā€“ 60% of the lines are direct quotations from ll Duce himself-I couldnā€™t help but wonder how this would have translated had Corradini not been the superbly animated, physical performer he is! Then I read the show is, essentially, a theatre-in-education piece and it dawned on me this was the reason I felt I was being educated! I do hope ā€œMussoliniā€ was attended by or toured to Secondary Schools and Universities. Iā€™d suggest ā€œGo see it!ā€but itā€™s a shame you missed it!!