Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Will Oakeshott | 28 February 2023
“Make The Heart Your Home” - ‘Amazing Life’ - Clare Bowditch The Winter I Chose Happiness (2012). The above resplendent lyric serenaded by the endlessly charming Clare Bowditch on this night was so much greater than one to sing-along to, immerse yourself within or even slowly dance in harmony to. These five remarkable words represent what Ms Bowditch does for her devotees, she opens their hearts and helps them realise their heavenly haven that exists in their beautiful souls and she is eternally thankful for them sharing that affection with her. Unsurprisingly this is returned exponentially to the songstress, writer, actress and elegant quirky performer and in the filled Woodville Town Hall, an immeasurable number of hearts beat in, what felt like, unison, with all of us sharing our homes. After one of the most warming and rapturous “Welcome To Kaurna Country” ceremonies this writer has experienced by Tanya Power and her adorable four-year-old daughter Layla; the enigmatic bare-footed Clare gracefully tip-toed on-stage forgetting her drink in utmost appreciation of her inspiriting welcome from her Adelaide audience. After comparing the exquisite venue to the Titanic film and even belting out a few lines of the Celine Dion single ‘My Heart Will Go On’ comically - she began her enchantment. Opening with her aforementioned single which was perfectly befitting as the show’s essence, her husband (piano and percussionist) Marty Brown and violinist Xani Kolac then joined Ms Bowditch and propelled the musical atmosphere into a new soothing galaxy. ‘Divorcee By 23’ showed a tremendous tenderness that glimmered poetically. ‘Between The Tea And The Toast’ harnessed an energy that although was tranquil, was bolstered with a “thrill” injection thanks to Ms Kolac’s spellbinding solo. The TV series’ Offspring famed single ‘You Make Me Happy’ was celebrated by both the band and crowd emphatically; this was accentuated by tales of how Clare’s kids came to the realisation that their mum was on a TV show, yet she was still humbled by their reactions. This is one of the reasons why Ms Bowditch is so treasured, it is her honesty and humility that is undeniably alluring and funny. Four new songs were performed (over 300 are written for her next release), one featuring an astonishing Nick Cave aura that silenced Australia for a moment. A tearful tribute to her father’s passing ‘Your Love Walks With Me’ felt like a warm hug in musical form, a cover of Crowded House’s ‘Fall At Your Feet’ encouraged the crowd to participate as a backing choir and ‘Let’s Go To Bed’ was the invitation to be a part of Clare Bowditch’s family. The final song to be performed ‘I Thought You Were God’ was the authentic thank you to Adelaide and her admirers; even though Clare is the illustrious luminary - she knows her audience is the true superpower. There was to be no encore, but for a dazzling gala of this nature, being welcome into her heart and home was the wonderful rapture we needed.