Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Rod Lewis | 27 February 2023
In this marathon 2.5-hour walking tour of historic Port Adelaide, the Flamboyance Tours owner and guide did not refer to a single note. All dates, places, facts and stories were embedded in her remarkable brain. Katina delivered this without hesitation or any lull in pace as she led her group of locals and tourists through the heart of the Port. Mixing modern concerns with historical happenings, the tour began at the Old Troubridge Loading Ramp and proceeded through main and side streets discussing wall murals, historic buildings, maritime history, the local indigenous population and how the Port seeks to be inclusive, and so much more. Amongst the facts, Katina shares a few tales of yore which bring the people and region to life. Despite not using a microphone, Katina knows how to project and was easily heard, even on the busy streets. She’s articulate and thoughtful in her presentation, and obviously holds a lot of love and respect for the region. Photographs and drawings add to the narrative, which are occasionally handed around for closer inspection. The tour is broken up by a pit stop at The British Hotel, where participants are shouted a drink and invited down into the cellars for further reveals while they rest. The break, sadly, comes far too early in the lengthy tour but is welcomed nonetheless. Additional rest stops along the way include the former gaol and Port Adelaide’s best kept secret, the Jackalope Gallery, hidden away on Calton Street. The Port Adelaide Walking Tour is one of the best this city has to offer. From the professional and fun narration to the pace and focus of the tour, it is 2.5 hours well spent.