Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Jan Kershaw | 27 February 2023
Here we are, all ready to meet the great naturalist and some incredible animals, but he doesn't appear. What to do? The host has it covered, show a DVD but no, there isn't a DVD player. Read from one of his books? Oops, that's a book written by his brother, Richard. A brilliant solution is found - he'll be David Attenborough and she can be the animals. And so the comedy adventure begins. The actors exhibit a masterly range of theatrical skills and immense physicality, beginning with the biggest creature on the planet, the blue whale, which spouts right on cue. The facial expressions and vocal gymnastics of Jess Clough-MacRae are truly incredible, hilariously bringing to life the many animals and their antics. Jonathan Tilley is equally convincing, and delightfully funny, as Sir David Attenborough, deftly capturing the naturalist's calm and alluring voice as well as transforming into predators as required. The portrayal of a crab was hilarious with Clough-MacRae's eyes rolling around every which way, the snapping claws and tiny squeaks when being pursued by an octopus. The meetings between Attenborough and great apes are both funny and moving, as we are reminded of how like us they are. The performers make you laugh but, hopefully, also make you think about what's happening to the natural world. Look out for the sloth towards the end of the show.